Meet Janice and Paul – They’re Building the Bungalow of their Dreams!
It's exciting to follow the journey of someone who has decided…

Inside Look: Lighting Consultation with Rejuvenation
You may have noticed that the Bungalow Company does not include generic…

Live Large in a Small House with an Open Floor Plan
For many Americans, home is a relatively small house with a closed…

{Video} How Custom Cabinetry Can Transform Your Home
If you want to understand how custom kitchen cabinets and other…

So You Want to Build a New Home: 5 Steps to Get it Right
For decades, the American dream has been to own your own home.…

How Do I Choose the Right House Plan? – Q & A with Christian Gladu
We made a list of some of the most frequently asked questions…

Will This House Plan Fit on My Lot?
It's a question we get asked many times each day: Will this…

How Long Does It Take to Build A New House?
As you would guess, a common question we hear at the Bungalow…

Building A Custom Home? Hiring a Builder, Setting a Budget, Allowances, Lien Releases and More
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