10 Questions for Rejuvenation Inc.’s Jerry Huettmann
You're probably familiar with Rejuvenation, Inc. for their stunning, period…
August 28, 2014/by Bungalow Company
12 Decorating Tips for Small Homes
Decorating and furnishing a small house can be a challenge, but…
August 26, 2014/by Bungalow Company
14 Space Saving Tips for Small Homes
It’s true of anything that the less you have, the more valuable…
August 20, 2014/by Bungalow Company
Relief and Challenges: Living in a Small House, You’ll Find Both
Let me share some numbers with you. According to the U.S. Census,…
August 13, 2014/by Bungalow Company
Small House Plans with Porches – Why It Makes Sense.
Over the last few decades America has become a country of backyard…
August 6, 2014/by Bungalow Company
Live Large in a Small House with an Open Floor Plan
For many Americans, home is a relatively small house with a closed…
July 30, 2014/by Bungalow Company
Small House Plans and Daring to Downsize
July 16, 2014/by Christian Gladu
10 Questions: James Thomas, Progress Lighting Senior Product Designer
You're probably familiar with Progress Lighting's lovely fixtures.…
July 9, 2014/by Bungalow Company
{Video} Design Philosophy: Two Successful Designers Share Their Perspectives
When two successful designers decide to share ideas, it's not…
May 30, 2014/by Christian Gladu
{Video} How Custom Cabinetry Can Transform Your Home
If you want to understand how custom kitchen cabinets and other…
May 22, 2014/by Christian Gladu
10 Questions: Nawal Motawi of Motawi Tile
If you've explored the Motawi Tileworks website or, better yet,…
May 14, 2014/by Bungalow Company
Why Detailed House Plans Will Save You Money and Time
When you hire a builder to build your home, you are likely making…
May 2, 2014/by Christian Gladu
Take the Quiz: How Much Do You Know about William Morris?
April 25, 2014/by Bungalow Company
Residential Construction Loans: 10 Things You Should Know
You may agree with us that, if you want a new home, you should…
April 23, 2014/by Bungalow Company
Why You Should Build, Not Buy
If you want a new home, you should build not buy. I am not saying…
April 18, 2014/by Christian Gladu
Greening the Bungalow
Standing the Test of Time
Smaller residences require fewer resources…
March 31, 2014/by Christian GladuSmaller residences require fewer resources…

Interior Elements of Craftsman Style House Plans
March 23, 2014/by Christian Gladu
Craftsman Style House Plans – Anatomy and Exterior Elements
March 19, 2014/by Christian Gladu
Vision + Deconstruction + Concept + Build = Dream Home
One Family's Dream Home - A Photo Journey
From finding a lot…
March 9, 2014/by Bungalow CompanyFrom finding a lot…

Ready to Build? First Get to Know Your Lot.
The Land
Creating buildings in harmony with nature and place…
March 5, 2014/by Christian GladuCreating buildings in harmony with nature and place…

Take the Quiz: 10 Questions About the Arts & Crafts Movement
February 17, 2014/by Bungalow Company
7 Steps to Building Your Own Home
Many people dream of building their own home, but when it comes…
February 11, 2014/by Bungalow Company
How to Make a Houzz Ideabook – A Visual Step by Step Tutorial
Have you heard about Houzz Ideabooks?
They’re really fun to…
February 6, 2014/by Bungalow CompanyThey’re really fun to…

How To Hire A Custom Home Builder
If you're planning to build a home, choose your builder carefully.…
February 4, 2014/by Bungalow Company
The Difference Between a House and a Home
Recently a friend of mine asked if I'd go with him to look at…
January 28, 2014/by Bungalow Company