Share your home building story…
By participating in our Customer Stories Project, you will have your own blog area on The Bungalow Company website – a place where you can share your thoughts and photos during the process of building your home.
First Step:
We value your privacy. In the form below, please tell us how you want your project to be referenced. This will be information available to the public and will be shared with Bungalow Company online communities such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
Once we’ve received your preferences, we’ll send you instructions on how to submit your text and photos to be posted to your blog.
Once Your Home Construction Begins:
As often as once per week and at least once every two weeks, we ask that you send 3-5 photos and at least a few sentences describing what is pictured.
When Your Home is Complete:
We’ll send you a few interview questions for your final blog post, such as: What is your favorite detail of your new home?
All images, interviews and weekly reports will be reviewed, edited (edits will be sent to you for approval) and posted at the discretion of the Bungalow Company.